Dont Panic Board Game




Hit the timer, how quickly can you name three things in the category on your card, try not to panic. Three might be easy but can you think of six or will your brain freeze. Subjects range for easy to tricky. To object of the game is to get the highest score by naming things associated with the subject as quickly as possible. In any round it is up to the other players to tell the person playing of something does not fit the subject on the card. Place the Don?t Panic timer in the middle of the board, set the timer by turning the red ?Panic? button clockwise to ten. Each card has 4 colours with the easiest subject at the top and hardest at the bottom, these colour correspond to the playing spaces on the board. Each subject has a number next to it, this is the number of answers you have to give before stopping the timer. The colour of the space that you occupy on the board denotes the subject you have to answer on the card. To aid younger players they can choose to always answer the top subject (yellow) regardless of what colour they land on. The winner is the player that has moved furthest around the board.